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الموضوع: Music World CD - موسيقى العالم ألبومات أصلية

  1. #271
    الحاله : علي داريا غير متصل
    تاريخ التسجيل: Aug 2018
    رقم العضوية: 256857
    مشاركات: 12
    أخي أنت فعلا إنسان تتذوق الفن وتحترمه ، تقبل تحياتي أخي لك مني كل الشكر على ماتقدمه����.

  2. #272
    طلالي مميز
    الحاله : بن بطوطه غير متصل
    تاريخ التسجيل: Aug 2009
    رقم العضوية: 215339
    المكان: الكويت
    الهواية: البحث عن ارشيف عبادي"
    السيرة الذاتيه: غارق في احاسيس عبادي الجوهر
    العمل: طالب
    مشاركات: 8,644

    Acid Arab

    Some years ago, at the first outings of the Parisian collective called Acid Arab, I evaluated the project negatively. It seemed to me the classic crap, good for compilation like Buddah Bar or similar. Lately I came back on my feet after listening to the track that the group of DJ has made with Sadat and Alaa50, two of the leading exponents of the Egyptian Mahragan scene.

    So I decided to publish this post dedicated to them.

    The Acid Arab project was founded in 2012 in Paris by Guido Minisky and Hervé Carvalho, two DJs who fell in love with oriental music during a trip to Tunisia.
    Their main objective will be to create a space for oriental culture within contemporary Western electronic music, a music representative of our day (after all, it is impossible to deny the influence that Arab culture has had on French society even if some jerk sovranist insist on rejecting it). The result was a psychedelic mix of strings, percussion and melodies from the Middle East and North Africa with the basic structures of House and Techno Music.

    Their first work, released in 2013, was an album of remixes and collaborations entitled "Acid Arab Collections". This was followed by a 12 "in 2015 entitled" Djazirat El Maghreb.

    Meanwhile, the group has expanded and joined the original duo Pierrot Casanova, Nicolas Borne and the Algerian keyboard player Kenzi Bourras. With this formation the collective made in 2016 the album "Musique De France", a disc that at first I snubbed but that lately I really appreciate.
    Meanwhile, the group has expanded and joined the duo the dj Pierrot Casanova and Nicolas Borne and the Algerian keyboard player Kenzi Bourras. With this line-up the collective created in 2016 the album "Musique De France", a record that at first I snubbed but that I really appreciate a lot.

    The Acid Arab project has been carried around for festivals all over the world for some years. Do they do Tecnho? do Arabian music? Sometimes doubts arise about the proposed music. Much more than many explanations I think the most exhaustive words about their work are on their Facebook page:

    “We are fascinated by eastern music and its codes, such as complex rhythmic structures (binary and ternary superimposing upon each other), which drive dancers to trance just like acid house does. We’d like to take these codes and use analog techno devices (beatboxes, bassline machines) to create something new : an oriental acid music which combines the coldness of techno and the emotional and dramatic power of the East. Our knowledge of the dancefloor is now digested and we have spent night after night digging records and files to know more about arabic music. We don’t want to be standardbearers of mixing whatever, we just want to be of our days. talking about mixing means there’s a split, a binary vision of an occidental vs oriental world – this is has-been. We don’t paste oriental sounds on occidental beats, we want to embody both cultures without pretending to reinvent oriental music or fooling ourselves by believing we’re inventing eastern dance music. We just want to be part of it, and contribute to this brilliant and enormous masterpiece that this music is, and has been for thousands of years.”

    Alcuni anni or sono, alle prime uscite del collettivo parigino denominato Acid Arab, ho valutato il progetto negativamente. Mi sembrava la classica cazzata, buona per compilation tipo Buddah Bar o simili. Ultimamente sono tornato su i miei passi dopo aver ascoltato la traccia che il gruppo di dj ha realizzato con Sadat e Alaa 50, due dei principali esponenti della scena Mahragan egiziana.

    Ho deciso quindi di pubblicare questo post a loro dedicato.

    Il progetto Acid Arab nasce nel 2012 a Parigi per opera di Guido Minisky e Hervé Carvalho , due Dj innamoratisi della musica orientale durante un viaggio in Tunisia.
    Il loro principale obiettivo sarà quello di creare uno spazio per la cultura orientale all'interno della musica elettronica occidentale contemporanea, una musica rappresentativa dei nostri giorni (dopotutto, è impossibile negare l'influenza che la cultura araba ha avuto sulla società francese anche se qualche coglione sovranista si ostina a rifiutarla ). Il risultato è stato un mix psichedelico di archi, percussioni e melodie provenienti dal Medio Oriente e dal Nord Africa con le strutture base della musica House e della musica Techno.

    Il loro primo lavoro,uscito nel 2013, è stato un album di remix e collaborazioni intitolato "Acid Arab Collections". A questo è seguito un 12" nel 2015 intitolato " Djazirat El Maghreb " . Nel mentre il gruppo si è allargato , infatti al duo originario si sono uniti Pierrot Casanova, Nicolas Borne e il tastierista algerino Kenzi Bourras. Con questa formazione il collettivo ha realizzato nel 2016 l'album " Musique De France", disco che in un primo momento ho snobbato ma che ultimamente apprezzo molto.

    Da anni ormai il progetto Acid Arab viene portato in giro per i festival di tutto il mondo. Fanno Tecnho ? fanno Musica Araba ? Ha volte sorgono dei dubbi circa la musica proposta . Molto più di tante spiegazioni credo che le parole più esaustive riguardo al loro lavoro si trovino sulla loro pagina Facebook :

    "Siamo affascinati dalla musica orientale e dai suoi codici, come le strutture ritmiche complesse (binarie e ternarie sovrapposte l'una sull'altra), che portano chi danza alla trance esattamente come fa l'Acid House. Vorremmo prendere questi codici e usare dispositivi analogici (beatbox, bassline, macchine varie ) per creare qualcosa di nuovo: una musica orientale acida che combini la freddezza della techno con il potere emotivo e drammatico della musica orientale . La nostra conoscenza del dancefloor è ormai acquisita e abbiamo passato notti su notte a scavare tra dischi e file per saperne di più sulla musica araba. Non vogliamo mixare in modo standardizzato qualsiasi cosa, vogliamo solo essere dei giorni nostri . Parlare di mixaggio significa ammettere una visione binaria che vede il mondo occidentale contro il mondo orientale : questo è stato fino ad ora . Non non limitiamo incolliamo i suoni orientali sui ritmi occidentali, vogliamo incarnare entrambe le culture senza pretendere di reinventare la musica orientale o ingannare noi stessi credendo di inventare musica dance orientale. Vogliamo solo farne parte e contribuire al geniale ed enorme capolavoro che è questa musica , cosi come è stata per migliaia di anni ".

    Acid Arab ‎– Djazirat El Maghreb

    A1.Mogador (Club Version)
    B1.Hafla (Instrumental)
    B2.Amal Feat. Saeid Shanbehzadeh

    Acid Arab ‎– Djazirat El Maghreb

    Acid Arab ‎– Musique De France

    01 Buzq Blues
    02 La Hafla Feat. Sofiane Saidi
    03 Medahat
    04 Le Disco Feat. Rizan Said
    05 Gul l’Abi Feat. A - Wa
    06 Stil Feat. Cem Yildiz
    07 A3ssifa Feat. Rizan Said
    08 Houria Feat. Rachid Taha
    09 Sayarat 303
    10 Tamuzica Feat. Jawad El Garrouge

    Acid Arab ‎– Musique De France

    Acid Arab - Some works

    01 Hez hez Feat. Sadat & Alaa50
    02 Samira Feat. Avril Shadi Khries
    03 Berberian Wedding
    04 Sidi Gouja
    05 Zhar
    06 Yasmine Hamdan - Café (Acid Arab remix )

    Acid Arab - Some works

  3. #273
    طلالي مميز
    الحاله : بن بطوطه غير متصل
    تاريخ التسجيل: Aug 2009
    رقم العضوية: 215339
    المكان: الكويت
    الهواية: البحث عن ارشيف عبادي"
    السيرة الذاتيه: غارق في احاسيس عبادي الجوهر
    العمل: طالب
    مشاركات: 8,644

    Arab Tunes Mixtape

    Arab Tunes Mixtape # 4 Contemporary Arabic Music

    01 warda w na7la ( a flower and a bee) - Maii waleed
    02 Yehsal Eh - Kazamada
    03 Sadiki Al Khorafi - Zimo
    04 Beirut - Yasmine Hamdan
    05 Fala Tahremni - Youmana Saba
    06 Ila Selma - Badiaa Bouhrizi
    07 Ruh Bladi - Toot Ard
    08 Ahwak - Shift Z feat.Hiba El Mansouri
    09 El Ghareeba - Maryam Saleh
    10 Shams - Sahar Khalifeh
    11 We7da - Dina El Wedidi
    12 aasfeh - Zeid & The Wings

    Arab Tunes Mixtape # 4 Contemporary Arabic Music

    Arab Tunes Mixtape # 6 - Arabic Reggae

    01 Dumyeh Plastikieh - MINISTRY OF DUB KEY (PALESTINE)
    02 Latloumouna - WACHM'N-HIT (MOROCCO)
    03 Mirsal - AUTOSTRAD (JORDAN)
    04 Tunis hurra - KING ABID (TUNISIA)
    05 Askiniha ( Asmahan remixed) - ZEID HAMDAN (LEBANON)
    07 Green Revolution - AAVV (PALESTINE/ SYRIA)
    08 Aswingem - AMARG FUSION (MOROCCO)
    10 Yalla Tnam SHIFTZ feat Hiba el Mansouri (LEBANON)
    11 Gaza nye - BIG A feat Omar Offendum & Hanouneh (LEBANON/IRAQ/PALESTINE)
    12 Rich - DARGA (MOROCCO)
    13 Jarhee - DR JEZZ (SAUDI ARABIA)
    15 La rasta - FIKKA GANJA (ALGERIA)
    16 Rasta Musulman--GHOST MAN (TUNISIA)
    17 39oul nass - MOMO CAT (MOROCCO)

    Arab Tunes Mixtape # 6 - Arabic Reggae

    Arab Tunes Mixtape # 7 - You, The Night & The Arab Tunes

    01 Al Guinena (asmahan) - Ghazi Abdel Baki
    02 Ala muji El Bahr - Lena Chamamyan
    03 Helwa Ya Baladi - Dalida
    04 Hisabak - Tania Saleh
    05 Neddik - Oum
    06 Illak Shi - Gaida
    07 Min ghairak - Farah Siraj
    08 Bhebak - Abir Nehme
    09 Mreyte Ya Mreyte - Rasha Rizk
    10 The Next Stage - Kayaan
    11 Ya habibi ta 'ala - Darine Hamze
    12 Mo7el nefham - Hela Belhaj
    13 Issalam - Marvem & Ernie Tollar
    14 Ya racha fattan - Amina Alaoui
    15 Al sayeda Fil Buldan - Terez Sliman
    16 Muwashah Aatini bikr Eddinane - Rima Khcheich
    17 Kol She Helo - Reem Talhami

    Arab Tunes Mixtape # 7 - You, The Night & The Arab Tunes

    Arab tunes mixtape # 9 - So you say there is no arabic experimental music !!

    01 The tragedy of Hamid - Rami Abadir (Egypt)
    02 Abraj - Checkpoint303 (Palestine/ Tunisia)
    03 Bliss - Elepheel (Lebanon)
    04 Rokab - Bikya (Egypt)
    05 Absent Presentees - Basel Abbas (Palestine)
    06 Matkhafsh - Maghrebika (Algeria)
    07 Electronic Genes - Yousef Kawar (Jordan)
    08 Aswatt il zamann - Ramallah Underground (Palestine)
    09 Bala Imbarator - OkyDoky (Lebanon)
    10 Om el shaheed - Soopar Lox (Egypt)
    11 El Maglis - Omar Kamel (Egypt)
    12 Ayub Al Misry - Kazamada ( Egypt /Palestine/Jordan/Lebanon)
    13 The funeral - Radio Kvm & Munma (Lebanon)
    14 Mazaj - Beirut biloma (feat.Oumeima) (Lebanon)
    15 Nbrik Dub - Aisha Kandisha's Jarring Effects (Morocco)
    16 'ala il bared il mistreeh - Boikutt (Palestine)
    17 Snakes, Lizards and Shamans - Osman Arabi (Lebanon)
    18 Ahmar - Al Nather (Palestine)
    19 We were struck by love - El Iqaa (Lebanon)

    Arab Tunes Mixtape # 9 - So You Say There Is No Arabic Experimental Music

    Arab tunes mixtape # 10 To Kashah , the belly dancer

    Techno trance of Morocco, the trumpet of Ibrahim Maalouf, the particular voice of Aida Nadeem, the rhythms of the new sound of Lebanon, the soul of Oum and the experiments in sound of Omar Kamel.
    A weird concept of music for belly dancing.

    Dedicated to Kashah, the belly dancer.

    01 Tazour - Mubaraka Bin Taleb
    02 Shine - Oum
    03 Ayna - Kasbah Rockers
    04 Below the Mountain - Beach Belly Dance Babylon
    05 Fun Does Not Exist - Natacha Atlas
    06 Moi et Toi - Abdel Ali Slimani
    07 Kim Dedi - Aziza A
    08 Risala - Aida Nadeem
    09 Habibi maja - Aisha Kandisha's Jarring Effects
    10 Min Nari Feat. Assia- Mohammad Athieh
    11 Oloulou - YAS
    12 Words of Love & Light - Omar Kamel
    13 Esse Emme - Ibrahim Maalouf
    14 Azoza (feat Angels Of Harem) - Beirut Biloma
    15 Tobiga's Atlantic - Amira Saqati
    16 Kan Binna Wiam - Siham Asif
    17 Blossoms - Elepheel

    Arab Tunes Mixtape # 10 To Kashah , The Belly Dancer

    Arab tunes mixtape # 12 - So you say there is no arabic experimental music !! Vol.2

    Another mixtape of electronic music coming from the Arab world. Another piece for the construction of a different imaginary. A selection of music a little more tricky. The experimental sounds of Palestinians multimedia artists ,the electronic processing of Tunisian artists together under the "Sonic resistance for dignity",some old favorites and some pleasant surprises.

    Dedicated to the kids of Istanbul and to all those who question the order and power.

    Fuck you from the bottom of my heart to : EU, BCE, FMI, the Italian Government, Israeli settlers, all fundamentalist religious groups, Beppe Grillo, all Italian trade unions, Standard & Poor's, Moody's and other similar crap but especially to the district counselor lady (???) Dolores Valandro and to all the subhumans who compose and / or support the Northern League.

    01 Ya3tina 3asba - Bandouch (Tunisia)
    02 Accent Circonflexe - Cosmic Analog Ensemble (Lebanon)
    03 Betrayel - Bikya (Egypt)
    04 Brother, Angel - Hello, Psychaleppo! (Siria)
    05 Dubbuka (With Zied Ghozzia) (Tunisia)
    06 Intro - Tashweesh (Palestine)
    07 Jinju Dervish- John Kameel Farah
    08 Ghaba - Shorba (Egypt)
    09 Apathetic Chronology - Liliane Chlela (Lebanon)
    10 Of air and ether - RadioKvm (Lebanon)
    11 Percussive - Ziad al Hamruni aka Shinigami san (Tunisia)
    12 Tkhayal -Conceive (Radiokvm Remix) - Rass & Munma (Lebanon)
    13 Arabistan - Elepheel (Lebanon)
    14 Rock ze kasba - Hayej (Tunisia)
    15 the echo of silence - ibrahim zammel (Tunisia)
    16 The Innocent - Shams Asma (Palestine)

    Arab Tunes Mixtape # 12 - So You Say There Is No Arabic Experimental Music - Vol.2

    Arab tunes mixtape # 13 - Here and Now: The state of hip hop in the Middle East

    Explicit Thoughts from the Middle East. Rulers beware !!!
    Ideas, words, hopes, frustrations and struggles of a new generation of Arabs who think. Art?? of course!

    Dedicated to Giulio, who has just turned 18 years old.

    01 El Far3i - Mukawamah Madaniyyah ( Jordan)
    02 MC Amin - Morsi Fel Kolub (Egypt)
    03 Asifeh - Ramadi (Palestine)
    04 Hamorabi 13th Imam (feat. boikutt) - Bou7ayrat Tabarraya (Lebanon/Palestine)
    05 Krist Nir feat. Pinar -the Zionist entity ( Jordan)
    06 El Rass- Dar el Falak (Lebanon)
    07 Abyusif - Hard Luck (Egypt)
    08 Maqdsi - Wake up !! (Palestine)
    09 Deeb - tuyur muhagira (Egypt)
    10 Katibe 5 - Fy waja3 al layla (Lebanon- Palestinian refugees)
    11 Satti & DJ Stickfiggr - Talakat ( Jordan)
    12 Beatoven Feat. Boikutt - Falstaf (Palestine)
    13 Arabian Knightz - Ehna AL Hokooma (Egypt)
    14 McKaied - Daye3 (Palestine)
    15 SeVeN-R feat. Mc Mode -Technocracy (Lebanon)
    16 Amer AL-Taher - Ghayru Qabilan liltaqyym ( Jordan)

    Arab Tunes Mixtape # 13 - Here And Now The State Of Hip Hop In The Middle East

    Arab tunes mixtape # 14 - So you say there is no arabic experimental music ?!! Vol.3

    A third collection of fine pieces from the electronic Arab scene . From Palestine to Morocco through Lebanon , Egypt, Tunisia and Algeria . A group of musicians very talented with great potential , unfortunately overshadowed (for the moment) by the mainstream western music .

    Dedicated to Robi who loves strange sounds.

    01 Skndr - Legotrip (Tunisia)
    02 Sherif El-Shazly - A drop from your clammy (Egypt)
    03 Bruno cruz Feat. Walaa Sbeit - Yabo Al Hatta (Palestine)
    04 Oliver Morcos - Cut strings with Naguib Riz (Egypt)
    05 Hantof - Media flow (Algeria)
    06 Dub Snakkr - Do You Wob Me (Lebanon)
    07 Mahmoud Refat - Laysat ba3eedah (Egypt)
    08 Bachar Mar-Khalife - Marea Negra (Lebanon)
    09 Neobyrd Feat. RaSh Radio - Stranger In Love (Egypt)
    10 N3rdistan - Occupy ( Test ur Democracy ) (Morocco )
    11 Rami Abadir - Ma3lesh (Egypt)
    12 Nasser Halahlih - Enta b3eed (Palestine)
    13 Apo (Ehab) Feat. Reham - The Smiling Martyr (Egypt)
    14 Lakadjina - Starry Night (Tunisia)
    15 El Manzouma - 1772 (Egypt)
    16 Stormtrap -Lamma tshawweb (Palestine)
    17 Gigi Force - Ana el 3adly ya walad el metnaka 2 (Egypt)
    18 Maurice Louca - Late (Egypt)

    Arab Tunes Mixtape # 14 - So You Say There Is No Arabic Experimental Music - Vol.3

    Arab tunes mixtape # 15 - Arab rock ?!? it's obvious darling

    01 Arba_ Sneen - Akher Zapheer
    02 Ana Mesh Baghanny - Maryam Saleh
    03 Ala Babu - Mashrou' Leila
    04 Amona - Khalas
    05 Dood Al Khal - Mabrad
    06 Taht Elard - El Morabba3
    07 Dallak- Zaed Naes Feat.Badiaa Bouhrizi
    08 Sout El 7oreya - Cairokee band
    09 Mish mohem - Kazamada
    10 Hayd 'an al jaysh - Sahar Khalifeh
    11 Bye bye 3azizi - Jadal
    12 Adef - Massar Egbari
    13 Saat saat - Darine Hamze
    14 Balekeh - Zeid and the Wings

    Arab Tunes Mixtape # 15 - Arab Rock ! It's Obvious Darling

    Arab tunes mixtape # 16 - Vintage music for Belly Dance

    01 Al Mushrabiya - Ahmed Fouad Hassan
    02 Jameela - Ray Mirijanian
    03 Raks Leyla - George Abdo
    04 Missourlu - Ozel Turkbas
    05 Ah Ya Zen - Omar Khorshid
    06 Raks al gamal - Farid el Atrache
    07 Ana Fi Intizarak - Emad Sayyah
    08 Sahara City - Aboud Abdel 'al
    09 Hebbena - Mohamed "Mike" Hegazi
    10 Bahia - Sami Rajeb
    11 Eyuni Sahara - Hassan Abu Seoud & His orchestra
    12 Raksat Zeina - Elias & Ziad Rahbani
    13 Jabaliya - Romeo Lahoud
    14 Rakset El Ghazal - Ahmed Fouad Hassan
    15 Raks Al Hayet - George Abdo
    16 Ya habibi - Eddie "sheik "Kochan & Hakki Obadia
    17 Green Silk - Gus Vali
    18 Raksat El Houria - Naif Agby

    Arab Tunes Mixtape # 16 - Vintage Music For Belly Dance

    Arab tunes mixtape # 18 - So you say there is no arabic experimental music !! Vol.4 The Lebanese scene

    01 Praed - the suspect
    02 Radio Kvm - Big Fish Convoy
    03 City of salt - Dwaleeb
    04 Elepheel - Master Cosmic Spy
    05 Bao - Chasing Khorshid
    06 Munma - Land Of Debris
    07 Jad Atoui - Impulse
    08 Morphosis - Spiral
    09 Liliane Chlela - Altruiste Anonyme
    10 OkyDoky - Alien Intelligence
    11 Infinite Moment Of Composure - inconvenience
    12 Osman Arabi - Digital War 0907
    13 Tarek Atoui - Un-drum 3

    Arab Tunes Mixtape # 18 - So You Say There Is No Arabic Experimental Music - Vol.4

    Arab tunes mixtape # 20 - Arab jazz

    A selection of the best offers on the arab jazz scene, between tradition and modernity.

    01 Basel Rajoub - Kusoor
    02 Jean Marie Riachi - Lamma Bada
    03 Hewar - Wedding
    04 Toufic Farroukh - Cendres
    05 Rima Khcheich - Bisat El-Reeh
    06 Ghazi Abdel Baki - Ramleh Sunset
    07 Eftekasat -Third Eye
    08 Itar Shameh - kazzab
    09 Ibrahim Maalouf - Surprises
    10 Naim Kassis - hal asmar el hon
    11 Rabih Abou Khalil - Beirut
    12 Amir el Saffar - Dumuzi's Dream
    13 Simon Shaheen & Qantara - Blue Flame
    14 El Dor El Awal - Qarar Izala
    15 Shusmo - georgina
    16 Gaida - Kaifa Uhibuka
    17 Philippe El hage - Traditional Theme

    Arab tunes mixtape # 20 - Arab jazz

    Arab tunes mixtape # 22 - Girl Power ( Anti Rotana mixtape)

    01 Emel Mathlouthi - Ya Tounes Ya Meskina
    02 Oum - Lik
    03 Maryam Saleh - Sor3et El Ayyam
    04 Rasha Magdy - Radio
    05 Badiaa Bouhrizi - Bledi
    06 Aya Metwalli - Hadar madira' mastamar
    07 Yasmine Hamdan - Nediya
    08 Donia Massoud - Gammary
    09 Hiba El Mansouri - Souleyma
    10 Nawel Ben Kraiem - Safsari
    11 Rimon Haddad and Maisa Daw - Ana hora bhali
    12 Hela Belhaj - Mo7el nefham
    13 Aida Nadeem - Baghdad Al Salaam
    14 Maii Walid - Mizan
    15 Souad Massi - Kin Kohun Alik Ebaida
    16 Youssra El Hawary - Dy al Madina
    17 Dina el Wedidi - El Bar
    18 Youmna Saba – Marra
    19 Rasha Rizk - Elegie

    Arab Tunes Mixtape # 22 - Girl Power

    Arab Tunes Mixtape # 26 - Weird Scenes Inside The Middle East

    01 Al Rafeeq - Clash Of A Broken Back
    02 Almosstnqa3 AKA The Swamp - B'il Raghem 3na (Feat The Chikatura)_
    03 El 3ou - Manich Menna
    04 Hello, Psychaleppo! - Tarab Dub
    05 Al Rajul Al Hadidi
    06 Maurice Louca - Maksim (Maxim)
    07 Badal FaQed (Ahmad Farah & Mahmoud Radaideh) - El Ein
    08 AsnamLMasrah - Esqat Najmi
    09 Taysir Odeh - Egyptian Trap
    10 Dijit - 1772
    11 Phaylaq - Alrabi3
    12 Maii and Zeid - Kalam El Leil
    13 Khan el rouh - Ya Welah
    14 Arab Highway - Baghdad Is Not Yours _
    15 Zaed Naes - 3onsor Falat Feat Muhammad Abdullah
    16 Shlomo Casio - kees

    Arab Tunes Mixtape # 26 - Weird Scenes Inside The Middle East

  4. #274
    طلالي مميز
    الحاله : بن بطوطه غير متصل
    تاريخ التسجيل: Aug 2009
    رقم العضوية: 215339
    المكان: الكويت
    الهواية: البحث عن ارشيف عبادي"
    السيرة الذاتيه: غارق في احاسيس عبادي الجوهر
    العمل: طالب
    مشاركات: 8,644
    راجع بشوقي ولهفتي راجع
    يا منتدى طلال مداح

  5. #275
    الحاله : موسيقار زماني غير متصل
    تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2019
    رقم العضوية: 257024
    مشاركات: 7
    إقتباس الرسالة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة بن بطوطه مشاهدة المشاركة
    راجع بشوقي ولهفتي راجع
    يا منتدى طلال مداح
    في إنتظارك يالغالي

  6. #276
    الحاله : علي داريا غير متصل
    تاريخ التسجيل: Aug 2018
    رقم العضوية: 256857
    مشاركات: 12
    في انتظارك أخي العزيز
    أنت مبدع والله

  7. #277
    طلالي مميز
    الحاله : بن بطوطه غير متصل
    تاريخ التسجيل: Aug 2009
    رقم العضوية: 215339
    المكان: الكويت
    الهواية: البحث عن ارشيف عبادي"
    السيرة الذاتيه: غارق في احاسيس عبادي الجوهر
    العمل: طالب
    مشاركات: 8,644

    Abboud Abdel Aal

    Abboud Abdel Aal - MaghrebSpace.net

    A2 Aatini El Naya اعطني الناي - Qalb Ya'chak Kull Jamil قلب يعشق كل جميل
    A3El Ataba Khadra العتبة الخضراء
    A4 Ya Salat El Zein يا صلاة الزين
    B1 Afrah El Chaab أفراح الشعب
    B2 Layaly Assiout ليالي أسيوط
    B3 Hizzy Ya Nawaem هزي يانواعم
    B4 Ya Ain Moulayeten يا عين موليتين
    B5 Cham El Nassim شم النسيم

    Abboud Abdel Aal - MaghrebSpace.net

  8. #278
    طلالي مميز
    الحاله : بن بطوطه غير متصل
    تاريخ التسجيل: Aug 2009
    رقم العضوية: 215339
    المكان: الكويت
    الهواية: البحث عن ارشيف عبادي"
    السيرة الذاتيه: غارق في احاسيس عبادي الجوهر
    العمل: طالب
    مشاركات: 8,644

    Classical Arabic Music

    Classical Arabic Music

    01 Lamma bada ( Andalusian Muwashah)
    02 Uthkurini ( Andalusian Muwashah)
    03 Ya Man Yahinnu ( Modern Muwashah )
    04 Biut-esh-shalahiyya ( Song without words - )
    05 Ya shadiyal-alhan ( Modern Muwashah for instruments)
    06 Tita ya mahla nurha ( Song of Upper Egypt)
    07 Ya louru hubbiki ( Modern Muwashah for voice and instruments)
    08 Wayli minal gharami ( Lebanese Air )
    09 Al-loma ( Lebanese Air - Al-loma )

    Classical Arabic Music

  9. #279
    طلالي مميز
    الحاله : بن بطوطه غير متصل
    تاريخ التسجيل: Aug 2009
    رقم العضوية: 215339
    المكان: الكويت
    الهواية: البحث عن ارشيف عبادي"
    السيرة الذاتيه: غارق في احاسيس عبادي الجوهر
    العمل: طالب
    مشاركات: 8,644

    Deeb - السلام البارد

  10. #280
    طلالي مميز
    الحاله : بن بطوطه غير متصل
    تاريخ التسجيل: Aug 2009
    رقم العضوية: 215339
    المكان: الكويت
    الهواية: البحث عن ارشيف عبادي"
    السيرة الذاتيه: غارق في احاسيس عبادي الجوهر
    العمل: طالب
    مشاركات: 8,644

    Ghita Ben Abdeslam

    Ghita Ben Abdeslam - غيثة بن عبد السلام
    Edition Hassania Cassette EH 1169

    1) Âziz Âlina عزيز علينا
    2) Allah Âliha Ziara الله عليها زيارة
    3) Fellah فلاح
    4) Âam Fel Ghorba عام في الغربة

    Lyrics: Âli al Haddani [1,2], Ahmed Tayeb Elâlj [4], and Ahmed (al Adadi?) [3]
    كلمات: علي الحداني وأحمد الطيب لعلج و أحمد ‪...‬

    Composition: Mohamed Ben Abdeslam
    تلحين: محمد بن عبد السلام

    Ghita Ben Abdeslam EH 1169

  11. #281
    الحاله : موسيقار زماني غير متصل
    تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2019
    رقم العضوية: 257024
    مشاركات: 7
    الله يعطيك العافية

    بس تكفى كثر لنا من البومات فايزة احمد بالذات , ووديع الصافي

    أغلب مايتم طرحه لهم في المواقع بشكل عام جودات سيئة
    وأنت ما شاء الله جوداتك دائماً عال العال

  12. #282
    الحاله : هاني الصافي غير متصل
    تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2001
    رقم العضوية: 153
    مشاركات: 58
    مجهود جبار أخي بن بطوطة ..
    لديكم نوادر وجواهر فيروزية؟ (من المخبى :) )
    Contact me | مراسلتي

  13. #283
    طلالي مميز
    الحاله : بن بطوطه غير متصل
    تاريخ التسجيل: Aug 2009
    رقم العضوية: 215339
    المكان: الكويت
    الهواية: البحث عن ارشيف عبادي"
    السيرة الذاتيه: غارق في احاسيس عبادي الجوهر
    العمل: طالب
    مشاركات: 8,644



    RABAB [1984]

















    الألبوم هذا من الأسف لا أملك غلافة وهو البوم جميل.
    البوم ياسيدي ارتاح


  14. #284
    الحاله : علي داريا غير متصل
    تاريخ التسجيل: Aug 2018
    رقم العضوية: 256857
    مشاركات: 12
    للأمانة أنت قاعد تقدم مجهود محترم والله ، ولك كل الشكر والتقدير

  15. #285
    طلالي مميز
    الحاله : بن بطوطه غير متصل
    تاريخ التسجيل: Aug 2009
    رقم العضوية: 215339
    المكان: الكويت
    الهواية: البحث عن ارشيف عبادي"
    السيرة الذاتيه: غارق في احاسيس عبادي الجوهر
    العمل: طالب
    مشاركات: 8,644

    طلال مداح

    البوم رقم (26)
    عبارة عن حفلة وأغنية واحدة أستوديو

    البوم رقم (86)

    البوم رقم (87)

    البوم رقم (89)

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